Triloka Heart Chakra


Chakra is the Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex and is used to describe the energy centers of the body. In the Yogic tradition Chakras are depicted as Lotus flowers, each with a different number of petals.

The are seven main Chakras and many more secondary Chakras throughout the body. Each chakra is associated with certain parts of the physical body as well as with our mind and spiritual development. Chakras are influenced, awakened, and balanced through our thoughts and actions. If our Chakras are balanced and energy flows freely, we create a life of harmony, health and spiritual awakening.

These Chakra anointing oils are chemical free and are made from essential oils derived from natural plant substances, i.e. herbs, flowers, fragrant woods, gums, resins and roots. 100% pure essential oils are blended with a base of fractioned coconut oil (5% essential oils) to create a wonderful oil perfect for application to the skin

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